Documentaries about
people and their worlds

The content of our films focuses on a well-founded examination of topics from the fields of science, medicine, environment, politics and current affairs, which are often based on an ethical issue.

The company was founded in 2003 as "Valentin Thurn Filmproduktion" and became "ThurnFilm GmbH" in 2019.

ThurnFilm works successfully with the public broadcasters ARD, ZDF, WDR, NDR, SWR, BR, HR, RBB, MDR and ARTE as well as with TV stations in Sweden (SVT), France (France 5), Switzerland (SRGthe NetherlandsBOS), Great Britain (BBC Storyville), USA (PBS) and Sky InternationalSome of our films are international co-productions and have been broadcast on television in over 40 countries around the world. We cooperate with the cinema distributors Prokino, MindJazz, RealFiction, Farbfilm and Alamode and the world distributors Autlook, Lucky You and New Docs.

Our films have been shown at the Berlinale , IDFA , CPH:DOX Copenhagen and many other international festivals. They won important awards such as the German Nature Film Award at the Darßer NaturfilmFestivals and Social Justice Award at the Santa Barbara International Filmfestival (USA).

The Bio-Revolution

„Die Bio-Revolution“ wird auf dem diesjährigen NaturVision Filmfestival 2024 gezeigt. Mehr Infos und Tickets gibt’s hier. Landwirtschaft im Einklang mit der Natur, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Ressourcenschonung und

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