impact lab
A Big step for impact financing in Germany

A major step for impact financing in Germany: the first Impact Lab took place. At the beginning of next year, film projects can once again apply here.

The "AG DOK - Berufsverband Dokumentarfilm" is a project partner of the Impact Lab, represented by Valentin Thurn as a member of the Executive Board.

The filmmakers of the seven selected projects came to Berlin from 1 to 3 July to design their impact campaigns and train for the pitch. Their pitch will then also take place in Berlin on 15 October. Until then, our project partners from the "Good Media Network" will be looking for potential impact partners for the film projects: Associations, companies or other organisations that work on the film subject and can use the film for their work. Tips welcome!

The jury selected the following documentary films:

  • Abseits – Eichi und der FC Pio
    (Loriane Blumenthal / Gregor Streiber)
  • Ice Builders
    (Francesco Clerici / Point Nemo)
  • Between our backyards
    (Juan Donoso / Red Leaves Films)
  • No place like home
    (Daniel Abma / Bandenfilm)
  • Die Kinder von Korntal
    (Julia Charakter / Bildersturm)
  • Sister queens
    (Clara Stella Hüneke / Franziska Gärtner)


All films are between rough cut and cinema release and will receive start-up funding for the impact campaign. Here are a few impressions from the workshop: